
When you need help filing a claim for your damaged roof after a storm, turn to Camden Roofing & Construction. We are North Carolina Roof Damage Claims experts, and we have helped countless homeowners receive the compensation they deserve. 

We welcome everyone looking to do business with us to read our reviews.

We’re Here to Make Damage Claims Simple 

Every year, thousands of North Carolina homeowners suffer from storm damage to their roofs. Whether they were struck by a hurricane or a spring thunderstorm, the result is the same: the roof is damaged and needs to be repaired. If that damage is severe enough, you may be able to file a claim with your insurance company.  However, 

Are you wondering “should i file an insurance claim for my roof?” The short answer is yes. Insurance companies often have strict requirements for filing claims, including certain types of documentation and specific deadlines for submitting them or providing additional information as needed by their adjusters. This means that if you handle your own claim without professional help, there’s a good chance that something will fall through the cracks — either with your paperwork or with meeting those deadlines — which could lead to delays or even rejection by your insurer altogether!  The best way to ensure that your claim gets approved is to you can count on Camden Roofing to help you through the process. 

We can take care of all the paperwork and documentation needed to file an accurate and complete claim. Our team is well-versed in the laws governing insurance claims, so we can make sure that you receive fair compensation for the damages done by nature. We understand how stressful it can be when dealing with insurance companies, especially after a disaster, so we will make sure that they take care of everything while keeping you updated on the status of your claim. 

For your North Carolina roof damage claims assistance, call us at 704-858-2141. Our experts are here to help you with a free consultation and will answer any questions you may have during this process. 

Our Roof Damage Claims Assistance Services

Insurance claims can be confusing and stressful. There are many steps involved in the settlement of a roof damage claim, and these steps can vary based on the type of coverage you have. We want to help ease the burden on our clients during their insurance claim process, so we offer a variety of services: 

Evaluation of Damage

Our team will inspect your property and provide you with a thorough analysis of any damage that has been done to your roofing system.  This helps them determine whether it will be covered by insurance or if further investigation or testing needs to be done before they can decide. Once we identify the damage, we will recommend the best course of action for restoring your roof to its original condition. 

They need to assess all these factors before they can recommend whether it should be covered under your policy, what repairs need to be made, and how much money it will cost.

Documentation Support

If we see any issues with your roof or other parts of your home, we will document them in photos and provide written documentation of our findings. This information can be used when filing an insurance claim and during negotiations with your insurance company. 

Assistance with Filing Insurance Claims

When you have experienced damage to your roof or siding because of a storm, it can be difficult to get through the paperwork and documentation required by insurance companies. We’ll ensure that all necessary paperwork is completed correctly and in accordance with state regulations, which can make the process easier on you and help ensure that you get the compensation you deserve as quickly as possible.   

Insurance Negotiations

We will negotiate with your insurance company on your behalf so that you don’t have to deal with them yourself. This can be especially helpful if there are any discrepancies about how much work needs to be done on your home or who should pay for it.

Storm Damage Restoration Services

We specialize in repairing damaged roofs, but if the damage is more extensive than what can be repaired quickly, we can replace your entire roof with one of our high-quality products at a reasonable price. We offer full warranties on all our products and labor so that you can rest assured knowing that your roof will last for years to come!  We have over 12 years of experience helping our clients get back on track after storms hit their homes— no matter how big or small the disaster is.

Why You Need Camden Roofing’s Help with Your Damage Claims

When it comes to insurance claims, many homeowners assume that they will be able to handle the situation on their own. However, this is not always the case.

The truth is that you will need the help of a professional roofing contractor like Camden Roofing if you want to ensure that you’ll receive the maximum amount of money back from your insurance company after a disaster strikes. Here are the top reasons why you’ll need our roofer’s help with your insurance claim:

  • You don’t have the time or expertise to handle it yourself. Filing an insurance claim can be a long, complicated process that involves a lot of paperwork and interaction with your insurer. That’s where our professional team comes in handy — we can take care of all the paperwork and make sure all the necessary information is submitted on time. With our damage claim assistance, you can save yourself from the hassle of doing all the legwork yourself. 
  • You’ll get better results than if you try to do it yourself.  Insurance companies aren’t always fair, so having our professionals on your side can give you more leverage. Our team knows how to present your case in a way that maximizes the chances of approval by the insurance company. We’ll help you get the most money possible from your policy so that you can get back on track financially after an unexpected expense like this one. 

Need to File a Damage Claim but Don’t Know Where to Start? Contact Us!

If you have any doubt about whether your damaged roof is claimable, call Camden Roofing first. We will diagnose it for you at no charge and answer all your questions/concerns about filing your claim as quickly as possible, so you don’t have to worry about anything other than getting back on your feet after the storm.

Frequently Asked Questions about Roof Damage Claims 

How do I file an insurance claim for storm damage?

If you believe your home has been damaged by a storm, contact your insurer as soon as possible and describe the damage. You can find contact information for your specific insurer on their website or in the policy document itself.  You may need to provide proof of ownership (such as a title or deed), photos of the damage, and receipts for repairs if applicable.

What does an adjuster do?

The adjuster’s job is to investigate the claim, gather all the necessary documents, and determine if it should be paid out or denied. They may also assist with negotiations with the other party.

What is a storm or wind damage claim?

The following are examples of storm and wind damage claims:

  • A tree or branch fell on the roof and damaged it.
  • A lightning strike caused a fire in the attic.
  • The roof was blown off by high winds during a tornado, hurricane, or other severe storms.

Why can’t I just fix my own roof?

A homeowner generally cannot repair their own roof without written permission from their insurance company (check your policy). If you do not follow these guidelines, your claim may be denied, or you could be found at fault for any accidents that occur during repairs.

Will my deductible apply? 

Most likely yes! Your deductible applies to all kinds of losses including wind damage claims. To avoid paying more than necessary on these claims, be sure that you know what type of coverage your policy includes so you can make an informed decision about whether filing a claim is worth it for you financially.