#RoofDeployment: Project Completed by Charlotte Roofing Company
Last week, we blogged about our participation in #RoofDeployment, where we partnered with Charlotte’s Habitat for Humanity to put a new roof on the home of a selected member of the military. Well, that took place, exactly as scheduled, on July 19th.
Now, on paper, this program was about us doing something for a veteran — but, in our opinion, the real story is about Clinton H. About his selfless service, both during and after the army years. About how proud and thankful we are for all that he has done for our country and all that he does for the people he meets in daily life. Our hats are off to you, Clinton!
Story of Clinton H
He was born and raised in Charlotte, North Carolina, with five siblings. He grew up near Fairview Homes by Statesville/Oaklawn. In 1969, he joined the U.S. Army, receiving training as a communications specialist. He completed basic training at Fort Bragg before learning radio operations at Fort Jackson and Fort Gordon.
He was then sent to Vietnam, being honorably discharged. Upon his return to his hometown of Charlotte, he worked for three years in the Department of Corrections. He bought his home in Villa Heights in the 1970s, a neighborhood that he loves, one that has changed throughout the decades. (Oh, the stories Clinton can tell!).
Later on, he had a ten-year radio career — and then spent 20 more years helping others by providing respite care. Physical fitness and wellness are also important to Clinton. He has practiced yoga for 40 years, and enjoys swimming and jogging. A huge passion of his is reading, with a special love for books on world philosophy.
So, are you wondering how we became connected with Clinton? One day, he was watching television, and he saw a news story about Habitat for Humanity helping a fellow veteran. He realized that he could benefit from this program. As all homeowners know, repairs have a way of piling up, and that’s what was happening with Clinton’s home. So, he took the bull by the horns and physically went to the Habitat for Humanity office to apply for help with a critical home repair.
We. Can’t. Repeat. This. Enough.

Clinton answered the call to serve, to contribute to something larger than himself, and so we all owe him – and his fellow veterans – a huge debt of gratitude. Owens Corning Roofing and Camden Roofing & Construction are honored to have had the opportunity to provide him with a brand spanking new roof. Thank you, Clinton!
If you’re looking for a practical way to thank the veterans in your neighborhood, you might appreciate this post.